c93c4aea9e16b46e7d5534c7c499d2a7 You Can Treat Your Simple Ailments With Herbs - GRACE OLUWAKOYA Reveals A Lot



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You Can Treat Your Simple Ailments With Herbs - GRACE OLUWAKOYA Reveals A Lot

Grace Oluwakoya is a Chartered Accountant turned Naturopath by passion and service to humanity and admin. She runs Natural Health Plus, a popular blog that deals with issues like kidney failure, High Blood Pressure and many more. Its a membership group that provides a lot of information about Health issues, so as not to allow people to die from ignorance. 

With simple remedies like a fresh bitter leaf, Zobo, Ginger and Garlic and many more, simple ailments like High Blood Pressure Diabetes, Stroke can be managed. Below she tells City People Publisher, SEYE KEHINDE about what Natural Health Plus is all about.

Tell us what you do at Natural Health Plus? And the services you offer?

 We educate, inform and enlighten people on how they can live a healthy lifestyle and live a life free from sicknesses and diseases using natural means such as natural foods,  fruits, vegetables and spices.

We also prepare natural herbs to reverse different ailments using curative and preventive measures.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is the method of using natural means to maintain the body's well being without any negative side effects. Natural means include air, water, sunlight, cold, heat, sleep, rest, exercise, foods, medicinal herbs, meditation, human interaction, useful cultural practices (music,dance, hospitality, massage, chiropractic e.t.c)

Are you now encouraging more and more people to seek remedy for their ailments.

The human anatomy is a system by itself.

Is just like a vehicle, when you don't pay attention to little fault in a car eventually it knocks down.

In the same vein, we encourage human to pay close attention to their body system.

In naturopath, we believe human immune system is theoretically capable of maintaining health if it is kept optimal. We believe we are what we eat.

Do you believe untreated high blood pressure or diabetes can lead to kidney failure and finally to death?

So we encourage people to seek for remedy, by remedy we mean healthy eating habits I.e dietary changes.

Some people say nature has provided us solutions to our health issues. Do you agree?

Yes, nature has provided us solutions to our health issues.

Hippocrates the father of modern medicine states that " Let your medicine be your food and let your food be your medicine "

As earlier stated we are what we eat I.e the state of your health depends almost entirely on what you drink or eat is either you are healthy or sick depending on what you eat.

There is only one disease in the human body which is weaknesses in the human system.

Many diseases are caused by breaking of natural laws , when these natural laws are restored, diseases automatically go away.

For example, if you have problem with low sperm count by staying away from artificial sugar and carbohydrate, eat more fruits and vegetables especially carrots and cucumbers with a little bit of bitterkola. Take guava leaf with carrot tea within a month the sperm count will be normalized.

To know more you can visit www.naturalhealthplus.club

What excites you about what you do?

As we all know that service to God and humanity is the most rewarding. Feedbacks,testimonies from people who get cured by following daily  healthy tips on our Natural Health plus page and prescriptions around the globe keep us moving.

Recently our article on natural remedy for high blood pressure got a post reach of 1.4 million views with more than 10,000 shares and thousands of calls, messages, comments, post likes e.t.c from Nigeria, Ghana, U.S.A, Germany, UK e.t.c we are convinced we are meeting a need and addressing issues of silent killers.
We believe the sky is our starting point.

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